Vice President
Giorgio is a multifunctional person. His interests range from cinema to politics, from investments to institutional assignments among many other fields.
He started as a cameraman for RAI (Italian TV) making about 5,000 news reports and then became a producer of documentaries for various RAI programs (Alle falde del kilimangiaro, Geo & Geo, etc.) as well as "Sulle orme di Paolo" made in Israel, documentary films ("Le frontiere della fede" for RAI3) to then become a films producer ("Via del corso", "Guardiani delle folle", "Anna รจ libera", etc.) and fiction ("La brigata", "The Jewish Brigade").
Thanks to this experience, Giorgio won the Cairo International Film Festival in 2004.
In recent years Giorgio has also become interested in football becoming president of various clubs such as Trapani football and Livorno football.
At an institutional level, Giorgio has been Councilor of the Jewish Community, Councilor for Youth Activities of the Jewish Community of Rome, Delegate to the Congress of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, Vice President of the European Maccabi Games Organizing Committee, Director of External Relations and Institutional Relations of the Share Association
Technologies 2007, Consultant to the Head of the Fire Department, Head of Organization of the Economic Mission to Israel of the Mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno, Delegate of the Mayor of Rome for relations with Technology, Energy and Environment companies..
Giorgio is currently the President of Roma Capitale Investments Foundation, General Manager of Roma Capital World Ltd, Senior Advisor External Relations 4 Rings Capital Partners, Senior Advisor Roma Capital Business, Head of Institutional Relations Federitalia, Director of the Jewish Community of Rome, Sole Director of Roma Capital International S.r.l. and Board Member of Roma Hotel & Apartments S.r.l.
Giorgio has been Director of Dongen Sarls (Luxemburg), President of Spoleto Credito e Servizi Soc. Coop., President of the Studies and Projects Committee for Roma Capitale, Director of Development Share srl, Director of the Stock-Waimberg Foundation and Vice President of PERES Center For Peace Italy.
Giorgio is also a founding partner of HK GoC S.r.l., Share Investments Srl and Nili Group Srl.
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